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 Chonnyms closing..

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Posts : 16
Join date : 2010-12-08
Age : 29

Chonnyms closing.. Empty
PostSubject: Chonnyms closing..   Chonnyms closing.. EmptyThu Dec 16, 2010 10:49 pm

Chonnyms will be closed from today on...
We have been shut down my demand of the Korean Maplestory using the DMCA law against us. This prohibits us from using any of Nexons files, like the ones that are needed to run this server. So therefore, we are unable to maintain the server.

Thanks to everyone who played, and I hope you enjoyed it. We will mostly miss the enthusiasm of the players and staff.

Lets give a round of applause to the GMs who were very helpful throughout the entire time this server was online:
First off, Eris
Thank you Eris, you were a wonderful GM, a wonderful Forum admin, and a wonderful GFX. We will always cherish your work.
Next up, Karen
Thank you Karen, you were a wonderful GM, the players always announced about how much they enjoyed your events.
Then comes, Nick
Thank you Nick, for being online so much, you were a great help and they players enjoyed your company.
Last but not least, Reborn
Thank you Reborn, for helping and being online when you needed to be. You were a great he

Thanks you to the rest of you, the players who made this server happen in the first place. We will miss you the most.
This is goodbye from the ChonnyMS staff.
Goodbye Everyone.
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